By meeting with individuals immediately after dismissal,
we are able to guide them in their adjustment, help them break the
news to their families, and avoid early mistakes that might otherwise
impede their future success. Immediately, our financial planners
will help them with managing severance packages and other related
In addition to Career Management, Transition and
Outplacement Services, we also specialize in Employee Retention/Career
Development. We help the current employees of a corporate client
to develop new skills, reposition themselves and grow within a company.
We also provide support and work closely with the survivors of downsizing
and restructuring to help them deal with any residual feelings and
As no two work situations or individuals
are the same, we develop personalized programs to help individual
clients seize potential opportunities for new growth. Typically,
services include a complete assessment, identification of
strengths, a career development plan, implementation of that
plan, motivation, ongoing evaluations, and coaching. Individuals
complete a series of professionally accepted and standardized
objective psychological and vocational assessments to determine
their aptitude, personality, emotional intelligence, preference,
and interest profiles. This is particularly useful in helping
clients identify their greatest strengths, in career planning,
coaching, personal development and team building. The following
are some of the learning activities we offer:
- Identifying and evaluating your transferable/functional,
content/special knowledge
and self-management skills
- Identifying your achievements and conducting
skills inventory
- Identifying your personal, work and cultural
- Assessing career and personal potentials
- Identifying your strengths
- Creating, planning and implementing your
career directions
- Creating powerful résumés
- Developing a personal marketing plan
- Developing effective written and verbal communication
- Establishing and maintaining professional
networking opportunities
- Increasing your career success and ongoing
- Uncovering hidden employment opportunities
- Effectively managing business and interview
- Evaluating corporate cultures and job fit
- Developing and applying win/win compensation
negotiation strategies
- Securing your new position and increasing
future career prospects
- Developing and maintaining a winning attitude